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BookOff 2 Year Anniversary Celebration

February 25, 11 am7 pm.

Celebrate BookOff’s remarkable two-year journey with exciting surprises and special events that will make this anniversary unforgettable.

Anime Mystery Bags: Dive into the Anime Mystery Bags, filled with curated surprises! Each bag is available for $30 and includes a figurine. Some bags may even have over $100 worth of figurines!

Fubuki Raffle: Don’t miss your chance to participate in the Fubuki Raffle for a shot at exclusive prizes. ?

Literary and Animated Celebration: BookOff’s 2 Year Anniversary promises a day filled with joy, excitement, and a celebration of all things literary and animated. ??

Be a Part of the Festivities: Come and be a part of the festivities, share the love for books and anime, and make this anniversary celebration truly special.

Lucky Draw Prizes: Get a chance to win exciting prizes with every $20 spent! Lucky draw prizes include $100, $50, and $20 BookOff Gift Cards.


934 3rd Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11232 United States