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Denomin8r’s “I Am Cutting In A Computer”

This event has already taken place.May 30 – June 2, noon – 8 pm,
Reception Banner

Chance Studios and Push Collage are excited to present “I Am Cutting In A Computer”, the debut exhibit in New York by Brooklyn visual artist Denomin8r. The exhibit will be open from May 30 through June 2, 2024 at 55 Bond Street, 2nd Fl., New York, NY.

The inspiration for Denomin8r’s work came from an impulse to digitize analog collage techniques with computer code. Initially inspired by the autostereogram, Denomin8r built a custom Python library to manipulate visible boundaries between interference patterns.

At first you’ll see the letter “D”, bold and in your face, littering the landscape. Much of the first phase of the exhibit exploits this ubiquitous glyph as the apparatus for juxtaposition and commentary. Given Denomin8r’s interest in the power behind corporate and commercial iconography, the “D” becomes a crass jab at aggressive branding in our competitive capitalist market. From there, visitors encounter more grotesque, farcical, and even horrifying experiments conducted on themes of surveillance, mass marketing, and vanity. The exhibit concludes with a series of video installations exploring the proliferation of artifacts from carrying out simple cosmetic transformations ad infinitum.

The artist’s inspiration for this exhibit springs from their interest in human psychology and influence: “The concept of branding and corporate identity—logos—exploits humans’ primitive desire to recognize the familiar, to have something that they can trust, in an otherwise dangerous and unpredictable world. We’re all familiar with the idea that something, anything, repeated enough times can become True to the audience; the audience is complicit in their own delusion. I’m using my art to have a bit of fun at the audience’s expense. Even bamboozlement is entertainment, when you think about it.”

This one-weekend event will include live music, film screenings by the artist of his motion pictures, and merchandise raffles and giveaways.

“I Am Cutting In A Computer” is free and open to the public. The exhibit is on view from May 30 through June 2 from 12-8 PM, with an Opening Reception on Thursday May 30 from 7-9 PM. Denomin8r also welcomes visitors to a High Tea celebration on Sunday June 2 from 1-3 PM, with free tea and locally made pastries. For additional information, please contact Push Collage at pushcollage@gmail.com.

Follow the artist at instagram.com/denomin8r


55 Bond Street, 2nd Fl.
New York, NY 10012 United States