11 – 11:45 am 1,2,3 Sing with Miss Nancy Ages: 4 and underFree Music North White Plains LibraryWhite Plains
8 am – 5 pm Baby Time Ages: 2 and underBooks & Readings Free Finkelstein Memorial LibrarySpring Valley
10:30 – 11:30 am Baby Time (Birth-Walkers) Ages: 2 and underBooks & Readings Free Finkelstein Memorial LibrarySpring Valley
11 – 11:45 am 1,2,3 Sing with Miss Nancy Ages: 4 and underFree Music North White Plains LibraryWhite Plains
11 – 11:45 am 1,2,3 Sing with Miss Nancy Ages: 4 and underFree Music North White Plains LibraryWhite Plains
Brooklyn Paper ‘At a Time Like This’: UrbanGlass exhibition inspires human connection in Downtown Brooklyn